
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Reading WK 4 T4


Today we read a text called nannys tokotoko. It was about Nanny Peke explaining to her moko about what the notches on the tokotoko means..

Ae - yes

Ka- pai - good

Moemoea - sweet dreams

Pepe - baby

Po marie - good night

Pounamu - green stone

Taonga - treasure

Whakapapa - famliy history

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Litter is caused by people leaving rubbish around in public. A lot of people are leaving rubbish instead of picking rubbish up and putting it in the bin. For example if you're walking with your mate or a sibling and you throw rubbish then they're gonna think that dropping rubbish is a good thing to do, and they’re end up making the environment look bad and stin

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Remember the S.E.E.E structure
Statement - Use a starter sentence to state a cause.
- To be a good scientist you need to be . . . 
Explain - Define the cause - this means . . . 
Example - connect to the reader - for example...
Effect - explain the effect of the cause - if you do that then . . .

WALT use the S.E.E.E structure to write an explanation about friendship.

This will start with HOW... or WHY...

What are you going to explain?  How will you hook the reader in?

  • What is friendship 
  • Friendship is having heaps of cool friends
  • Friendship is like you have a friend at school
Paragraph One
What is your first statement or main point? (S.E.E.E)
I think friendship Is having heaps of friends.
Because we can play the game with each other and
look out for each other. Its fun to play the game with my friends
What is your second statement or main point? (S.E.E.E)
I think it is cool to have lots of friends at school.
We can share our Ideas and work together.
Paragraph Three
What is your third statement or main point? (S.E.E.E)
At school you should have lots of friends in class
and they can help me you if you need help

The conclusion sums up all the ideas and repeats a
key message to end.  This could be a recommendation
or a personal connection.
Friendship is cool.
Friendship makes me happy 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

ripper tag

Ripper tag today in the moring room 8 and 9  went out to the field to learn how to play ripper tag and the skills and we had to pass the rugby ball to your team and the other team had to dry get the ball off us